Professor Yiu Wing MAI
FHKEng [2003]
- FASME, 2013, Life Fellow
- AM, 2010, Member, General Division, Order of Australia, Australian Government
- Centenary Medal, Australian Government, 2003
- Yokobori Gold Medal, International Congress on Fracture, 2013
- RILEM Award & Robert L’Hermite Medal, 1981
- FRS, 2008
- FREng, 2011
- FAA, 2001
- FTSE, 1992
- FWIF, 2003
- Foreign Member, CAE, 2017
- Member, European Academy of Sciences, 2008
- Honorary Fellow, International Congress on Fracture, 2001
- AA Griffith Medal & Prize, IOM3, UK, 2016
- Scala Award and World Fellow, International Committee on Composite Materials, 2015
- AGM Michel Medal, Mechanical College, Engineers Australia, 2016
- Warner T Medal, ASME, 2023
- Silver Medal, Materials Australia, 2023
- Doctor of Science (Honoris Causa), The University of Hong Kong, 2013
- Distinguished Research Chair Professor, National Taiwan University, Taiwan, ROC, 2013-2025
- IAS Visiting Professor/Senior Fellow, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, 2013-2023
- DVSS Distinguished Visiting Professor, Hong Kong University, 2003-2004
- DVSS Distinguished Visiting Professor, Hong Kong University, 2014-2019
Ir Professor Mai‘s areas of engineering expertise and experience include the following topics: (a) engineering failure analysis; (b) tribology/nanotribology and surface engineering; (c) processing/structure/properties relationships of engineering materials including polymers & blends, fibre composites, surface coatings and thin films, ceramics and biological materials; (d) fracture mechanics of cementitious materials, composite interfaces and smart materials; and (e) nanomaterials and nanoengineering. Prof. Mai Y W is Fellow of the Hong Kong Academy of Engineering Sciences, Fellow of the Royal Society, International Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering, Fellow of the Australian Academy of Science, Fellow of the Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering, Member of the European Academy of Sciences and Foreign Member Chinese Academy of Engineering. Prof. Mai is an international renowned researcher and scholar in fracture mechanics; advanced materials, especially composites; and mechanical engineering. He was involved in the development of asbestos-free cements with James Hardie & Coy Ltd in Australia; and did basic work on the Essential Work of Fracture which has directly led to an ISO International Standard (ISO 23524:2022 Plastics — Determination of fracture toughness of films and thin sheets — Essential work of fracture (EWF) method). Prof. Mai was awarded the RILEM Award & Robert L’Hermite Medal in 1981; the Centenary Medal by the Australian Government in 2003; the Yokobori Gold Medal by the International Congress on Fracture in 2013, the Scala Award by the International Committee on Composite Materials in 2015, the AA Griffith Medal by the UK Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining in 2016 and the AGM Michell Medal by the Mechanical College, Engineers Australia in 2016. More recently, in 2023, he was honored with the ASME Warner T Koiter Medal and the Materials Australia Silver Medal. He was appointed a Member of the Order of Australia in 2010 for services to engineering, and was awarded a Doctor of Science (honoris causa) degree by the University of Hong Kong in 2013 for contributions to science and society.
Hons 1st & Williamson Prizeman
The University of Sydney