News of Fellow
Prof. Kei May Lau has been elected to the US National Academy of Engineering

Prof. Kei May Lau has been elected as a member of the US National Academy of Engineering (NAE) in recognition of “her contributions to photonics and electronics based on III-V semiconductors on silicon”.
For more details, please refer to the following links:
Congratulations to Prof. Lau on her well-deserved honour.
Hong Kong Academy of Engineering Sciences Elects Thirteen New Fellows

The Hong Kong Academy of Engineering Sciences (HKAES) held its thirtieth annual general meeting on 12 December 2023, where thirteen new Fellows were elected. The newly elected Fellows, listed in alphabetical order, are:
- Ir the Hon. Siu Hung CHAN (陳紹雄)
- Dr. Justin CHUANG (莊哲義)
- Ir Thomas On Sing HO (何安誠)
- Ir Dr. Jacob Chak Pui KAM (金澤培)
- Prof. Sam Tak Wu KWONG (鄺得互)
- Ir Ricky Wing Kee LEUNG (梁永基)
- Prof. Yunhui LIU (劉雲輝)
- Ir Prof. Irene Man Chi LO (勞敏慈)
- Prof. Stella W. PANG (彭慧芝)
- Prof. Joe Si Zhao QIN (秦泗釗)
- Prof. Zuankai WANG (王鑽開)
- Prof. Jerry Jinyue YAN (嚴晉躍)
- Ir Prof. Tong ZHANG (張彤)
Ir Prof. Jin-Guang TENG, President of HKAES, extends his warmest congratulations to the thirteen newly elected Fellows, who are highly renowned experts in their respective fields of engineering sciences.
Click here to learn about our new HKAES Fellows.
HKAES Attended the Fourteenth Guanghua Engineering Science and Technology Prize Winners Forum

HKAES was appointed by the Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE) in 2021 to be the only organization responsible for the nomination of candidates from HKSAR for the Guanghua Engineering Science and Technology Prize. Two Hong Kong engineering scientists nominated by HKAES have recently received this prestigious prize at the Fourteenth Guanghua Engineering Science and Technology Prize Winners Forum held on 30 November 2023 in Ningbo.
The prize recipients nominated by HKAES are (listed in alphabetical order of last name):
· Ir Professor Yuguo LI
· Ir Professor Kwai Man LUK
Ir Prof. Alfonso H W Ngan, Senior Vice President of HKAES, attended the prize presentation ceremony on 30 November 2023.
Prof. Yiu-Wing Mai has been awarded the esteemed 2023 Materials Australia Silver Medal

Professor Yiu-Wing Mai has been awarded the esteemed 2023 Materials Australia Silver Medal. This award is the highest recognition presented by Materials Australia, given to individuals who have made exceptional contributions to the progress of materials science or engineering through research, innovation, teaching, management, or development. Professor Mai is known for his groundbreaking research on fracture mechanics and materials science in advanced engineering materials.
See also the social media post links for the award below:
Prof. Yiu-Wing Mai has been selected as the recipient of the ASME 2023 Warner T. Koiter Medal
Professor Yiu-Wing Mai has been selected as the recipient of the ASME 2023 Warner T. Koiter Medal. This award, which includes a medal, a plaque, and an honorarium, will be presented at the Applied Mechanics Dinner during the 2023 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, 29 October – 3 November, in New Orleans, Louisiana, USA.
The Warner T. Koiter Medal was established in 1996 to recognize distinguished contributions to the field of solid mechanics with emphasis on the effective blending of theoretical and applied elements, and on a high degree of leadership in the international solid mechanics community. Professor Mai receives the Koiter Medal for pioneering research on fracture mechanics, including crack-bridging of fibre cements, coarse-grained ceramics, and stitched composites, composite interface characterization; and methods for determining plane stress toughness of ductile polymers.
Congratulations to Prof. Mai on his well-deserved honour.
Prof. Kei May Lau received the IPRM Award 2023

Prof. Kei May Lau received the IPRM Award 2023 for significant contributions to the development of InP hetero-epitaxy on Si by metal organic chemical vapor deposition for photonic and electronic devices.
Please click here for more details.
Congratulations to Prof. Lau on her well-deserved honour.
The 5th “Distinguished Master, Accomplished Students” Mentorship Programme 2023 Kick-off Ceremony

Our Academy, in collaboration with the Hong Kong Academy of Sciences (ASHK) and the Hong Kong Institution of Science (HKIS), is launching the 5th “Distinguished Master, Accomplished Students” Mentorship Programme 2023. Mentors from our Academy attended the Kick-off Ceremony held on 2 April 2023.
March 2023
Ir Prof Joseph H W LEE and Ir Dr The Hon LO Wai Kwok were elected as The HKIE Honorary Fellows 2023 for the remarkable services that they have rendered. Also, Ir WAI Chi Sing received The HKIE Gold Medal 2023 for his specific contributions and achievements in engineering field.
Please click here for more details.
Congratulations to Ir Prof Lee, Ir Dr The Hon Lo and Ir Wai on their well-deserved honour!
July 2022
Congratulations to Ir Naeem Ullah Hussain on receiving the Gold Medal of the Institution of Structural Engineers for his groundbreaking contributions to the advancement of structural engineering. For detailed information, please click here.
Ir Prof Kwai Man Luk was awarded the 14th Guanghua Engineering Science and Technology Award

This was announced by the Chinese Academy of Engineering on 30th May 2022.
The Guanghua Engineering Science and Technology Prize is regarded as the highest prize of the Chinese Academy of Engineering. Ir Prof Luk is renowned for his outstanding contributions to the field of antenna technology.
For full details of the award list, please click here.
Congratulations to Prof Luk on his well-deserved honour.
September 2021
Ir Prof Alfonso Ngan has been elected as New Fellows 2021 of the Royal Academy of Engineering (RAEng). For detailed information, click here.
August 2021
Prof Yeung Wai-Ho Raymond has received the 2022 Claude E. Shannon Award, which is considered the highest honor in the information theory field. For detailed information, click here.
July 2021
The following Fellows are honoured in the 2021 Honours List published by the Government on 1 July:
Sir C K Chow, Grand Bauhinia Medal (GBM)
Dr the Hon Lo Wai Kwok, Gold Bauhinia Star (GBS)
Prof Wah Wan Sang Benjamin, Bronze Bauhinia Star (BBS)
June 2021
Prof David Hill received the 2021 IEEE Power & Energy Society (PES) Prabha S. Kundur Power System Dynamics and Control Award, for his outstanding contributions to the understanding and control of the dynamics of power systems. For further details, please click here.
January – April 2021
Ir Prof. Kei May Lau received the J J Thomson award from Institution of Engineering and Technology, UK
Sir Gordon Wu and Prof. Yangsheng Xu were elected 深圳经济特区建立40周年创新创业人物和先进模范人物,
Prof Charles Ng and Naeem Hussain elected to Royal Academy of Engineering, UK
Prof Hoi Sing Kwok elected to National Academy of Inventors, USA
Dr Otto Poon appointed Expert Reviewer of AR6 (6th Assessment Report) of Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) of UN.
Prof Joseph Lee was appointed President of Macau University of Science and Technology in January 2021
Prof Alexander Wai was appointed President of Baptist University in February 2021
Prof Xu Yangsheng and Prof Khaled Ben Letaief were elected as Members of National Academy of Engineering, USA, in February, 2021.
Dr. Nip Kam Fan passed away in March, 2021, and the President sent a condolence letter to Dr. Nip’s family on March 22, 2021.
Ir Prof Alfonso Ngan received the 13th Guanghua Engineering Science and Technology Award

This was announced by the Chinese Academy of Engineering on 8th November.
Ir Prof Alfonso Ngan is Acting Vice President and Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Research) of the University of Hong Kong. He is also Chair Professor in Materials Science and Engineering and Kingboard Endowed Professor in Materials Engineering of HKU.
Ir Prof Alfonso Ngan is a Council Member of the HKAES.
For full details of the award list, please click here.
Prof. Jian LU delivered an online lecture for the Hong Kong Institute for Advanced Study

Prof. Jian Lu delivered an online lecture titled “Progress in Additive Manufacturing: From 2D Printing to 4D Printing of Structural Materials and Functional Devices” for the Hong Kong Institute for Advanced Study (HKIAS) at CityU on 6 October 2020. Press Release.
Prof. Kei May LAU Named OSA Nick Holonyak Jr. Award Winner

The Nick Holonyak, Jr. Award was established in 1997 to honor Nick Holonyak Jr., who has made distinguished contributions to the field of optics through the development of semiconductor based light emitting diodes and semiconductor lasers. It is endowed by SDL Ventures, LLC, and Donald and Carol Scifres. Further information.
Congratulations to Prof. Lau on her well-deserved honour.
Prof. Jian LU and Prof. Ed. X WU were awarded the 12th Guanghua Engineering Science and Technology Prize
The Guanghua Engineering Science and Technology Prize is the highest prize of the Chinese Academy of Engineering. This biennial national prize aims to reward Chinese engineers and scientists who have made outstanding achievements and important contributions to engineering technology and engineering management.
Congratulations to both Prof. Lu and Prof. Wu on their well-deserved honour.
Prof. MAI, Yiu Wing has been elected a Foreign Member

Election to the CAE is one of the highest academic honours that China bestows on a citizen of a foreign country.