Press Release | HKAE

Press Release

The Hong Kong Engineering Science and Technology (HKEST) Award 2023 Winners Announced

(Hong Kong, 25 March 2024) The Hong Kong Academy of Engineering Sciences (HKAES) is pleased to announce that the following four winners have been selected by the HKEST Award Selection Committee for the HKEST Award 2023 in respect of their outstanding accomplishments in engineering, science and technological innovation.

Prof. Mingxin HUANG

Chair Professor and Head of Department
Department of Mechanical Engineering
The University of Hong Kong

Prof. Yi-Chun LU

Professor, Department of Mechanical and Automation Engineering
The Chinese University of Hong Kong;
Co-founder, Luquos Energy Ltd.

Prof. Minchen Tommy WEI

Professor, Department of Building Environment and Energy Engineering
Director of Colour Imaging and Metaverse Research Centre
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Prof. Angus Hin-Lap YIP

Professor, Department of Materials Science and Engineering and
School of Energy and Environment;
Associate Director, Hong Kong Institute for Clean Energy
City University of Hong Kong

About the HKEST Award

The prestigious Hong Kong Engineering Science and Technology Award (“HKEST Award”) was launched in 2022 by the Hong Kong Academy of Engineering Sciences (“HKAES”) to recognize exceptional contributions and excellence among the younger generations in Hong Kong in the field of engineering science and technology. With the continued support from the Innovation and Technology Commission, HKSAR, HKAES is organising the HKEST Award 2023 this year. The Award sets a high standard and holds significant prominence in commending young scientists, engineers, and technologists from diverse disciplines who have excelled in developing creative solutions to problems through research, development, innovation, and entrepreneurship, and have made significant advancements to the betterment of society. Up to six nominees will be selected to receive the Award.


About the HKAES:

Established in 1994, the Hong Kong Academy of Engineering Sciences (HKAES) is a prestigious organization dedicated to the promotion and advancement of the field of engineering in Hong Kong. HKAES aims to foster collaboration, innovation, and excellence in engineering, contributing to the advancement of society and the development of Hong Kong and our Nation. It comprises a distinguished group of Fellows from various disciplines, recognized as leaders in their profession, with remarkable achievements in engineering sciences and applications. For more information, please visit the HKAES’s website at (

For inquiries, please contact:

Ms Pinky Mui / Ms Vicky Leung / Ms Abby Tsang

Tel: 2692 8123
